50+ Resume Samples | Downloadable Resume & CV Samples
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50+ Resume Samples | Downloadable Resume & CV Samples

If you’ve been browsing through the web for Resume resources and career advice, you might have seen that there are different types of resume formats: Reverse-chronological Resume Format, Functional Resume Format and Combination Resume Format.

Most of these formats are invented by Resume Builders that create software-generated CVs. Different resume formats and templates give them an opportunity to “sell” more value to jobseekers.

However, as Resume Writers who write CVs by hand, and as former HR veterans ourselves, we can confidently state that the type of resume format you use isn’t as significant as these Resume Builders make it out to be.

Instead, the secret to effective Resume Writing that will land you job interviews lies in a format that highlights your top skills and Achievements in a way that is easiest for your reader to digest and understand.

Once your reader understands your value-add and relevance to the role, they are more likely to call you in for an interview.

As CV Writers, we advocate for clarity when writing your resume. We dive into further detail in our Ultimate Resume Format Guide.

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