How do you Check for Parkinson’s Disease?

How do you Check for Parkinson’s Disease? Here are a few tips for helping with early detection. Parkinson’s can cause many different symptoms, and it’s important to know what they are. Signs and symptoms may include difficulty with movement or trouble sleeping.

Early Parkinson’s disease symptoms are often difficult to notice for the person with the condition and those around them. They may take different forms in different people.

How do you Check for Parkinson’s Disease?

If people develop these symptoms, it does not mean they have Parkinson’s Disease. Some of them are prevalent symptoms with different causes than PD. But, symptoms can appear from slow to progressive, worsening over time. Most of the cases, a person needs time to diagnose.

Here are some of the most common early symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease.

How do you Check for Parkinson’s Disease?

Tremor is a common issue, yet they can be caused by many other medications you take.

Parkinson’s Disease affects many different areas of the body. One of the more common symptoms is shaking, where a hand, arm, foot, or leg starts to shake uncontrollably.

It’s most noticeable when someone is at rest and usually gets better with movement. It usually starts on just one side of the body but can affect both sides over time.

It’s common for people to write small so that their handwriting takes up less space on the page.

A person with dysgraphia may notice that their handwriting is significantly different. The letters may seem more minor, and the words may be closer together than usual.

Difficulty walking and stiffness

Doctors believe muscle and joint stiffness are early signs of Parkinson’s Disease. Some people may swing their arms less than usual when walking, which slows them down over time. They may also develop a shuffling gait, which means they cannot lift their foot off the ground and take a complete step.

How do you Check for Parkinson’s Disease?

PD can cause sudden and involuntary movements during sleep. People with PD may also experience: trouble staying asleep, frequent wake-ups to use the bathroom, and limb discomfort that goes away when they move around. These sleep disorder symptoms are also known as daytime napping and periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD). Daytime napping and PLMD in people with Parkinson’s Disease may also lead to falling asleep at work or school without meaning to.

How do you Check for Parkinson's Disease?

How do you Check for Parkinson’s Disease?

How do you Check for Parkinson’s Disease?

People with Parkinson’s generally start to speak softer as the Disease progresses. They often stutter or have a hard time saying certain words.

After eating, you may need to pass some stool so that food waste can pass through your digestive system. This might take a few hours.

One of the early symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease is difficulty moving your bowel or having to strain to pass a bowel movement. This symptom is common in many Americans, but unlike PD, occurs when there’s constipation.

It’s possible bladder problems are why some people have trouble maintaining an erection.

Another common symptom of Parkinson’s is an overactive bladder, although it’s not the only cause. So people with PD may frequently need to urinate or experience sudden urges to pee.

If a person loses their sense of smell, it may result from damage to the olfactory nerves or craniofacial structures. They may also have a reduced taste sensation, resulting in poor nutrition.

How do you Check for Parkinsons Disease (1)

How do you Check for Parkinson’s Disease?

Experts believe that PD is often characterized by a lost sense of smell, which can be the first indicator. This loss is typically noticed many years before the movement symptoms, such as difficulty walking and shaking hands, are apparent.

Those who suffer from this affliction can’t react emotionally like other people. They may be unable to make the facial expressions that would typically convey the right sentiment in a social setting.

People with Parkinson’s Disease often have difficulty displaying facial expressions, making it difficult to express themselves. They may look like they are this [emotional] when they are happy/amused.

How do you Check for Parkinson’s Disease? Slouching and hunching

If you have the symptoms above, it may be time for a doctor’s check-up. These are early signs of Parkinson’s Disease and should not go ignored.

Jerky or stiff movements

If someone has Parkinson’s Disease, they may start to experience slowness in their everyday movements. For instance, it may take them twice as long to button a shirt or tie their shoes.

Has anyone ever found out how long they had Parkinson’s before their diagnosis?

How do you Check for Parkinson’s Disease?

Parkinson’s Disease is difficult to diagnose because it has different symptoms for each person. Most people are not diagnosed until the later stages of the Disease.

When can you talk to your doctor about possible Parkinson’s?

If you or a loved one are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, you must talk to your doctor. As you can see from the symptoms, some of them can be very problematic and disruptive for day-to-day life.

It can be scary to face the possibility of PD, but there are many different reasons why someone might experience these symptoms. Regardless of what’s causing them, a provider can help explain these issues and treat them if needed.

How do you Check for Parkinson’s Disease? Is catching PD early enough to cure it?

There is no cure for PD, but that doesn’t mean there’s no treatment. Many medications and treatments help people with PD live long and healthy life.

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