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Common Misconceptions About Healthcare Facilities

Prospective healthcare workers may have some misconceptions about working in the field. Some of these myths are easy to debunk with a little explanation. Here are the most common misconceptions about healthcare facilities so you can stop speculating and learn the facts.

Planning Managers Are a Waste of Facility Expenses

Budgets are tight for facilities and organizations, and they are often trying to make ends meet. But many believe that hiring a planning manager is a waste of money. This is false because a planning manager can contribute significantly by helping a facility better manage its time and resources. Ultimately, planning managers save money, not waste it.

Replacing Old Technology Is Not Necessary

A slippery slope for facilities is ignoring when technology and equipment need replacing. Replacing outdated equipment can be challenging for some facilities because of the expenses. But it is important to replace old technology. One option is to lease medical equipment. Leasing equipment will allow facilities to stay up to date on all technology and equipment.

Common Misconceptions About Healthcare Facilities

Common Misconceptions About Healthcare Facilities

There Are Not Very Many Job Types – Common Misconceptions About Healthcare Facilities

A relatively common misconception about healthcare facilities is that there are only so many jobs, and they are all patient-facing. This is untrue. There are many jobs in the healthcare industry that do not require a patient chart or scalpel.

Some of the most common positions include:

  • Medical coder and biller
  • Medical assistant
  • Administrative positions
  • Occupational therapists and assistants

You Will Not Work Normal Hours

While it is true that some positions and duties require professionals to work strange hours, this is not always the case. Because healthcare facilities are open 24/7, there must be some manpower to accommodate late working hours. But many employees do work a typical nine-to-five day, especially those who are not patient-facing.

Common Misconceptions About Healthcare Facilities 2

Common Misconceptions About Healthcare Facilities – Myths about healthcare

Support Services Are Not Necessary

Those who believe a planning manager is unnecessary may also say that support services are a waste of money. But the truth is that support services are vital to the overall working environment, which helps staff perform their jobs to the best of their ability.

Support services can include various helpful resources, including cleaning products, storage, waste management, employee-specific private spaces, and administrative offices. Without providing these essential components, a facility may struggle to support staffing requirements, which can, in turn, hinder overall patient care.


Common Misconceptions About Healthcare Facilities

Public Spaces Are Expensive – Common Misconceptions About Healthcare Facilities

The overall appearance of a facility and how accommodating its public spaces are plays a significant role in overall satisfaction and trust. It might seem like these spaces are expensive and unnecessary, but without them, patient experience will suffer.

Neglecting public spaces is damaging to a facility’s reputation, retention, and reliability. Make sure your practice plans strategically to include public and private spaces to accommodate guests, patients, and staff.

It is hard to combat myths about the healthcare industry as each can hinder satisfaction rates and overall trustworthiness. If you are running a facility, try accommodating your staff with a patient-focused mindset. And if you are visiting a facility, understand that your opinion matters.

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